The Altar Guild consists of parishioners who assist in preparing the altar (vessels, sacraments, candles, linens, hangings, and flowers) for Sunday Services, weddings, funerals, and special worship services. The Guild also maintains, repairs, and replaces altar items as needed.

If you are interested in any of these ministries, please contact! 

Acolytes assist in worship by carrying the cross, torches, and any banners. They also participate in the presentation of the Gospel Lesson. Acolytes help the deacon set the table. Acolyte comes from a Latin word that means attendant. Acolytes bear/carry the holy things for worship. It is a very important job that is open to Second Graders (you have to be big enough to carry a torch) through adults. 

Lay Readers read assigned scripture in worship. Lay readers receive training and are assigned every 1-2 months. If you can read comfortably in public, you are “old” enough for this ministry. A side benefit: Lay Readers slay trivia night! Who else knows words like leviathan and Melchizedek? 

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist in serving the Holy Eucharist/Holy Communion. LEMs are trained and licensed for this ministry. LEMs serve the wine when communion is distributed in worship. This holy job is best for calm and patient types. 

Lay Eucharistic Visitors often have experience as LEMs and/or Lay Readers. They receive special training from the priest and deacon to become licensed and then assist in taking Holy Communion (the bread and wine that was blessed in worship) out to those who cannot come to church because of health concerns. 

Greeters and Ushers welcome everyone to worship and make sure they have what they need to participate. They invite those visiting St. John’s for the first time to sign in to our guest book. They introduce visitors to members of the parish and make sure that the clergy know that a visitor is present. Greeters/Ushers are the first welcome a visitor receives at St. John’s. While this ministry is not difficult, it is very important! This is a great ministry for families to do together. Our best ambassadors are often our children. School age children that want to be Ushers/Greeters will be partnered with adults. 

Flower Guild is a ministry that we are developing.